Neighbourhood 1 Requirements: Original/General
For homes in the Neighbourhood 1 Property, you will require
the following:
A new or replacement house or a significant addition or modification to an existing building or structure.
Click Here for Category 1 Application Kit
A small to medium (less than 15% of existing building footprint) exterior addition or modification to an existing building or structure. This includes any roofed (sheltered) building and any
structurally supported area and any additional rooms. For example, a bay window, a vestibule, mud room, entrance porch, lean-to addition, raised deck, garden shed or studio etc.
Click Here for a Category 2 Application Kit
Any alteration or addition to existing outdoor site work such as an outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, patio, fence, retaining wall, gazebo etc., including any major change of grade.
Click Here for a Category 3 Application Kit